Payment options beyond paper checks
When the schools’ administrators started looking to replace their outdated cashiering software, they had a clear goal in mind.
“The software we used for a decade allowed us to make student refunds by cutting a check on the spot or mailing students a check,” says David Schneider, director of student accounts at the College of Saint Benedict. “We were looking for a solution that offered students some of the different payment options they were often asking for beyond checks. Payee Choice was unique in the marketplace.”
The two colleges simultaneously adopted Payee Choice for the fall 2019 semester and began sending instructions for student payments to U.S. Bank, which emails a notification to students when they have a refund or other payment available. The email directs them to a website branded with the schools’ logos, where they choose how they would like to get paid going forward.
In the first year of use, the most popular electronic payment choices were Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposits and Zelle® . These options give the students quicker access to funds and eliminate the need for them to wait in line at the business office for a check and then deposit it. In fact, by choosing Zelle, with just a few taps on their mobile phone students can get money in their bank accounts almost instantly — without having to remember their bank account number details.
“We’re such a mobile society in this age group,” notes Michelle Hemmesch, director of student accounts at Saint John’s University. “Students expect everything to be done on their phones. And with Payee Choice, they’re able to do that.”
A pandemic-perfect payment solution
The timing of adopting Payee Choice just prior to the onset of the coronavirus was ideal, school administrators say. The pandemic presented unforeseen challenges that the new solution was suited perfectly to address.
When halfway through the spring 2020 semester the colleges shifted to remote-only learning, they needed a convenient way to deliver partial room-and-board refunds to students. Likewise, students who had returned home, some to foreign countries, needed a no-hassle way to receive those refunds. Payee Choice addressed both challenges with its electronic payment options — and saved the colleges time and money in the process.
“It would have been a lot of costly work to cut all those checks and mail them, but with Payee Choice, U.S. Bank was able to take care of that for us in a timely fashion,” Hemmesch says.
In addition, when the federal government responded to the pandemic with CARES Act emergency-relief grants, the two Benedictine colleges used Payee Choice to enable students to receive their grant payments of $350 to $1,200 through a convenient electronic method. “By disbursing those grants through U.S. Bank, we saved days if not weeks of work,” she says.