
Video: Project aims to turn environmental menace into community treasure

July 18, 2023

San Diego not-for-profit works to restore polluted waterway to natural state 

The short video linked above highlights Groundwork Chollas Creek, an organization U.S. Bank has supported for over 10 years, providing $140,000 in grants as well as numerous volunteer hours from bank employees through a range of activities including board service and participation at community events.

Groundwork Chollas Creek is focused on improving the environment in southeast San Diego’s Chollas Creek area through educational programs and capital improvements, including working to take a concrete waterway channel that dumps pollution into San Diego Bay and return it to a natural creek with that benefits the environment and the surrounding neighborhood.

“We recognize that communities of color and low- to moderate-income areas are often affected the most by the negative impacts of climate change while having the least access to resources that mitigate those impacts,” said Rockette Ewell, U.S. Bank California region manager, community affairs. “Groundwork’s programs empower residents to take action in their own community to address the quality of life and support environmental justice. That’s why U.S. Bank is proud to support them.”

To watch the one-minute video, which features Groundwork Chollas Creek executive director Leslie Reynolds, click the link above. 

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