To start, try to contact the merchant to work through the issue and cancel the transaction. If the issue isn't resolved or you can't reach them, we can help you start a dispute claim.
Online banking
For the best online experience, we recommend logging in at
- Select the credit card the charge was made to.
- Locate the transaction to dispute and select More details.
- Select Dispute this transaction in the bottom right corner of the page.
Note: If the option to dispute the transaction doesn't appear, call us at 800-285-8585. We'll ask for more information about the circumstances and help you start a claim. - Answer the questions to help us determine the reason for your dispute, then select Continue to start your case.
U.S. Bank Mobile App
For the best mobile banking experience, we recommend logging in or downloading the U.S. Bank Mobile App.
- Select the credit card charge was made to.
- Select the disputed transaction to expand the details.
- Select Dispute this transaction at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If the option to dispute the transaction doesn't appear, call us at 800-285-8585. We'll ask for more information about the circumstances and help you start a claim. - Answer the questions to help us determine the reason for your dispute, then select Continue to start your case.