FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Standard Overdraft Coverage
Most consumer checking and money market accounts automatically come with standard overdraft coverage. The exception is Safe Debit accounts, which aren’t eligible for overdraft coverage. Under Standard Overdraft Coverage we will authorize and pay overdrafts for these types of transactions at our discretion:
ATM & Debit Card Overdraft Coverage
In addition to standard overdraft coverage, you can choose to cover your ATM/debit card transactions. If you say "yes", the following transactions may be paid and an Overdraft Paid Fee may be charged. If you say “no”, the following transactions will be declined.
To change your election, call 24-Hour Banking at 800-USBANKS (872-2657), log into U.S. Bank online banking, log into the U.S. Bank mobile app or visit your local branch.
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