FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
To know if you’re downloading our app, check the app details. You’ll see U.S. Bank as the publisher or seller. Look for the blue and white shield app icon. It should say “U.S. Bank Mobile Banking” and “U.S. Bank Mobile – Finance” next to it. If it doesn't say our name, we don't recommend downloading it.
More information
For more details on how to keep your information safe, visit our Security Center page.
There are a few ways you can ensure you’re downloading the U.S. Bank Mobile app from a secure source.
* For text alerts, standard messaging charges apply through your mobile carrier and message frequency depends on account settings. Please be advised that these alerts may not be sent immediately. Visit our Cellular phone contact policy and Identity verification and our U.S. Bank privacy policies and security pages for additional information.