You can easily find your credit card details, even when you don't have it with you.
To view your virtual credit card using online banking or the U.S. Bank Mobile App
- Choose the credit card you’d like to view.
- Online banking: Select Card number.
U.S. Bank Mobile App: Select Manage, then choose View card number.
- Below the image of the card, select Show card number.
- Choose Hide Number to stop showing the card information.
- Select Copy Number to copy the 16-digit card number.
More information
- Following these steps lets you see your card number, expiration date, and three-digit code on the back of the card.
- You'll be required complete verification using a one-time passcode to view your card details. See also: What is a one-time passcode?
- If you've filed fraud, you may not see your virtual card number until after the system updates.