FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Project finance is complex, involving many counterparties, various risks and often significant financial investments. Learn how partnering with a global corporate trustee can help you navigate these intricate transactions.
Each infrastructure finance deal is unique with its own specific structure, challenges and requirements. The instruments used will dictate what type of services you’ll need. Some circumstances might call for multiple service providers, but a more ideal solution is to find one provider that can perform all necessary roles.
Roles of a trustee and agent
Due to the labour-intensive nature of project finance transactions, the trustee and agent play a key role in managing communication between various stakeholders. Working with a full-suite corporate trustee can add value, significantly enhancing the operational efficiency of the project. Whether the infrastructure asset is financed by loan or note issuance, having a partner that can provide the full breadth of roles can help ensure seamless servicing throughout the life of the project.
Roles that may be required on the financing include:
Rely on a full-service partner
Appointing a third-party trustee and agent to perform all roles can produce numerous efficiencies and benefits. Some of these include the following:
Trusted expertise
Service providers vary greatly in terms of size, specialisation and experience. For a successful relationship, investors should look for a highly rated financial institution that is appropriately licensed in all necessary jurisdictions.
Finding a partner with extensive experience servicing all debt vehicles can help guide your decision-making with strategic insights and proactive solutions.
Infrastructure finance projects become less complex and more manageable when you work with a reputable, independent partner for your debt administration needs.
U.S. Bank administers a variety of infrastructure asset types, and we have the dedicated expertise to assist investors at every stage of the project lifecycle. Check out our extensive suite of services for debt financing here or contact Michael Whelan at michael.whelan@usbank.com.