FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
With our Elite Money Market Account, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a traditional checking account, but with tiered interest rates that may pay more for higher balances than a standard savings account. Plus, you can access your funds at any time unlike with certificates of deposit (CDs) that require your money to be untouched for a set timeframe.
Get the added protection of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Your Elite Money Market Account at U.S. Bank is FDIC-insured to the maximum amount allowed by the FDIC. The standard insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, for each deposit insurance ownership category.2
Tap into your account whenever you need it by using an ATM card, debit card or check, transferring money or accessing one of the largest ATM networks in America.
U.S. Bank was ranked #1 overall in mobile banking, including #1 for our mobile app.3 With the U.S. Bank Mobile App, you can manage cash easily, move money safely and save and spend wisely.