Whenever possible your bill pay payments are paid electronically. If the payment can’t be paid electronically, it will be sent as a paper check.
You can find out how your payment will be paid when choosing the Deliver by date. If your first available payment date is:
- Two business days or sooner: The payment will be paid electronically.
- Three business days or more: The payment will be paid as a paper check.
We’re not able to make changes to how your payment is sent. There may be times a paper check will be sent when previous payments were sent electronically. This can be due to reasons such as:
- The biller may not be able to accept electronic payments for their own internal reasons.
- Your account number has changed and has yet to be updated in your bill pay.
- You’re paying a different amount than normal.
No matter how the payment is paid, we’ll send the payment to your biller with the payment details you’ve provided.
More information
- If you feel the above reasons don’t apply, you can delete your biller and re-add the biller. Please ensure you reference your most recent statement when entering the biller again.
- Safe Debit accounts can only send bill pay payments as electronic payments. If the electronic payment option is not available, please make other payment arrangements. Express, future-dated, and recurring payment options are not available.