When a rewards credit card might not make sense
The benefits of a rewards credit card are clear, but when should you think twice before applying for one?
First and foremost, you want a rewards card to be an asset to your finances – not a liability. If you worry you’ll overspend simply to earn rewards, skip the card. “No matter what rewards you get back, they’re never going to outrun the amount of money you owe to the credit card for the purchases you’ve made,” Crowley says.
Second, watch out for higher-than-average interest rates. Most rewards cards come with higher rates than their non-rewards counterparts, shares Crowley. So, if you’re planning to transfer a balance or carry one from month to month, he recommends exploring non-rewards cards with low introductory or long-term interest rates as a better option.
Third, find out if your desired rewards card comes with an annual fee. Crowley points out, however, that a card with that fee might still be a good fit for your wallet. “Customers just want to make sure that they’re getting the right value exchange in return for the amount of annual fee they’re going to pay,” he says.
Finally, Crowley says, be aware of hurdles to redeeming your points. Some cards let you cash in any number of points, while others will require you to redeem rewards only in increments of $25. Know which system your card uses and whether its rules will work with your spending habits.