FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Our team of experts research, evaluate and select Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) for your portfolio.1 ETFs offer a way to pool money in a fund that makes investments in stocks, bonds and/or other assets. ETF shares are traded throughout the day on national stock exchanges and at market prices and provide you with low-cost, broad exposure to U.S. and international markets across stock, bond and real estate markets.
Our investment strategists analyze the market to determine the type and amount of each ETF in the portfolios. When our market outlook changes, we automatically update your portfolio.
If you’re planning for a large purchase, for retirement or other goals you’d like to reach, we’ll automatically adjust your investments to reduce the amount of risk in your portfolio as you approach your target date.
We review every account we manage for you for its tax status. For taxable accounts, we automatically seek to offset taxes on capital gains by selling other investments at a loss. The cash will be reinvested across your portfolio to help keep your portfolio in balance and on track with your goal.
This instructs us as to how much risk we should take for your investments. We create your portfolio depending on the risk level you choose and help you to determine your comfort with risk with a three-question quiz.
Whether you are new to online investing or an experienced investor, Automated Investor can be an advantageous tool for you to work toward your financial goals. You tell us what your plans are and our robo-advisor will do the work for you.
Automated Investor from U.S. Bancorp Investments is exclusively for our customers. Call 866-758-8655 or log into usbank.com to get started.