Why use U.S. Bank online Bill Pay?

Save money.

Avoid incurring late fees. Bill Pay makes it easy to see and manage due dates.

Save time.

Manage all your U.S. Bank payments and external bills through one app.

Gain insights.

Track your bills and monitor trends. Bill Pay gives you quick access to your payment history.

Feel confident.

Know your payments will be securely delivered by the payment date you select.


Get started with Bill Pay.

Set up takes just a few short minutes. We’ll find the bills you’re already paying. Adding new ones is a snap. Let us show you how.

Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Features & Benefits

Electronic bills

Bill Pay timing

Canceling, changing or questions about payments

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  1. Safe Debit Accounts are not eligible for recurring payments or expedited delivery and can only pay billers listed in our system who accept electronic payment.

  2. Availability of same-day or overnight delivery varies depending on biller policies, the time of payment submission and the cutoff time established by the biller. Available scheduling options for each payment will be shown in bill pay during use. Safe Debit Accounts are not eligible for expedited delivery.

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Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.