
FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Customize your account alerts.

Account alerts inform you via text1 or email about balances, transfers, payments and other transactions. You can choose and customize the account alerts you want to receive for U.S. Bank checking and savings accounts, credit cards and ATM/debit cards.

It's easy to set up custom alerts in the U.S. Bank Mobile App. Just open the app and select Notifications from the main menu to get started. 

Log in to usbank.com, choose Customer service from the main menu and select My alerts to get started choosing yours.

Always-on security alerts

To ensure the safety of your accounts, we'll always send you automatic alerts when we receive instructions to make important changes to your account, including:

  • Address, email or phone number changes
  • Changes to your username, password, PINs and other verification credentials
  • ATM/debit card changes (reports of lost/stolen cards, new card requests, card reissue notices, PIN changes, PIN sent by mail)
  • Reactivation of dormant checking and savings accounts

We’ll also let you know if your username and password are ever suspended due to multiple incorrect login attempts.

Frequently asked questions

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  1. For text alerts, standard messaging charges apply through your mobile carrier and message frequency depends on account settings. Please be advised that these alerts may not be sent immediately.

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Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC..