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How to save for economic uncertainty
Managing your money during the ups and downs of a global economy may have you feeling overwhelmed. Here are some ways you can understand how your financial goals fit within the current economy and how to stay on track for future economic uncertainty.
While the unemployment rate is close to pre-pandemic levels, inflation is still rising and the cost of doing just about anything—from taking a family vacation to buying a home—is going up. As a result many people are feeling uncertain about their current and future investments, making planning your finances more stressful than usual. However, there are several steps you can take to alleviate some of your stress and to adjust your financial plans to account for an unpredictable economy.
Plan for the present by reviewing your current finances
Before you change your financial plans or begin a new budget, figure out where your finances are right now. Do you still have a source of income? If not, do you have savings that will help you make your monthly payments on time and cover your basic needs?
Calculate how much money you need each month to cover your basic living expenses so you have an idea of how long you can pay your bills before you need to dip into any emergency fund savings or find a new source of income.
Once you’ve determined how to stay financially secure in the moment, you can start adjusting your future financial plans to fit new economic uncertainties.
Consider economic uncertainty while prioritizing your financial goals
There are lots of things to get in order when your finances change, so it’s important to continue prioritizing your financial goals while accounting for economic uncertainty.
For example, if paying off your car within the year is a top financial priority, you can adjust your budget and other financial goals to focus on that car repayment plan.
If you’re not sure where to start, adjust your goals by how soon you’d like to get them accomplished. If you’re paying off student loans and saving for a home, put student loans at the top of your financial goal list — more than likely, you’ll be able to pay those off faster than you would a house.
Making a list of financial priorities can help you hone in on one financial task, rather than feeling stressed about completing multiple goals at once when economic uncertainty arises.
Adjust your planned payments according to economic shifts
Evaluate and potentially readjust your spending habits if you’re concerned about not having enough emergency savings. Avoid unnecessary purchases and using your credit card when you can’t afford to pay it off in the moment. It’s always better to be prepared for an unexpected change in income, and it’s important that you’re not relying on credit to maintain your lifestyle when economic uncertainty arises.
If you have a debt repayment plan, like student loans, a mortgage or credit card payments that don’t fit your finances anymore, you might want to extend your loan period to make your monthly payments more manageable. This might mean refinancing your mortgage or exploring student loan deferment options.
If you’re repaying multiple loans or debts, debt consolidation can help people with loan periods of over a year lower their interest rates and get all their payments in one place.
Prepare for the future by maintaining an emergency fund for economic uncertainty
Economic downturn often comes without warning, so it never hurts to expect the unexpected by building your emergency fund. If you have the means, now is a good time to start an emergency fund that you can dip into when a large unexpected expense arises or in the event you lose your job. Set aside enough money to cover three to four months of living expenses, so if the worst does happen, you’re prepared.
Managing your money might look different than it did a before COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still achieve your financial goals. These steps to plan for economic uncertainty will help you move through the present like a pro, and feel confident as you plan your financial future.
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